

Allium Sprouts Play Group – Now Enrolling  – Sessions April 5 – May 17

Nuturing Roots:

Early Childhood Support Group for ASD Caregivers

If you are a parent of a child ages 0-6 with a diagnosis of a developmental delay or ASD this group is for you. We provide a space for caregivers to connect with others in a similar position as them. Early childhood years are an exciting and busy time for many families. This group aims to highlight the challenges and exciting parts of early childhood and parenting a child with a diagnosis, while gaining support from others.

Our groups are a space for parents to relax, connect, and reflect on their experiences. Additionally, you will find a judgment-free space in which our clinicians support our families by sharing resources and healthy parenting strategies to make this time easier.

Sessions are planned by our highly qualified clinicians and are adapted to the group’s current needs, concerns, and interests.

Parents of current clients are invited to join our groups which run on a six-week cycle. Parents from the Baltimore community are also invited to reach out to see if we are a good fit and can discuss pricing for the groups.

Individual consultation is also available for families, providers, or professionals seeking services on a less intensive and regular schedule. As with all of our services, consultation will be based on need and personalized for each child.

Parent Support Group Fees

Six Week Parent Support Group

$150 ($25/session)